2013-14: Screencast
Preliminary timetable
Now – October 15th Gather collaborators.
Group coordinators make sure everyone in their group
has access to Google group and other resources.
Group coordinators make detailed proposals along
the lines indicated below public in the Google group.
Support group has something ready for the rest of us?
Oct 15th – Nov 15th Groups make detailed plans as to who does what, when,
in what class. This should be public in the Google group.
Preliminary work and preparations ready.
Nov 15th – Feb 15th Work, take data, construct stuff, have fun…
Feb 15th – March 15th Prepare questions, preparations for group meeting
March 15th – June 15th Follow up work, completion, start write up, documentation, prepare presentation in Finland
Aug 15th – Sept 15th Reserve time
October 31st 2014 Conference in Finland – Closing of project.
Thomas Lingefjärd: thomas.lingefjard@gu.se
Jonas Hall: jonas.hall@norrtalje.se
Support group
Group coordinator:
Morten Misfeldt: misfeldt@learning.aau.dk
Program idea:
In relation to the practical screencast group we will do the following.
Make two short tutorial videos and place them on a Google site.
1. Intro to screencast and basic advice
2. Slightly more advanced stuff – video editing
E-learning module group
Group coordinator:
Vilhjálmur (Villi) Sigurjónsson : villithorsig@gmail.com
Program idea:
Producing learning modules focusing on one mathematical subject each module with continuous assessment of different kinds (pupils’ self-assessment, filling in/answering worksheets and making screen-casts).
Use the module in different countries (translation).
Each module will include a covering of topics in a similar way to what Kristi showed us, extended by using screencast technology, possibly integrate self-correcting exercises, open projects, student made screencasts on problem solving.
Cultural comparison group
Group coordinators:
Thomas Lingefjärd: thomas.lingefjard@gu.se
Rokas Tamošiunas: trokas@gmail.com
Program idea:
To make short screencast showing a central concept like area or perimeter or an integral without any sound or written text. We will let students in several different countries watch them and explain what the concept is about. We will then compare results between countries. This will hopefully result in a research article.
Gifted students group
Group coordinator:
Tor Espen Kristensen: tork73@gmail.com
Other members:
Freyja, Sirje, Elisabeth, Bea, Jonas, Evija, Lorena
Program idea:
The aim of this project is to create resources and challenges for gifted students in last year of upper secondary school. GeoGebra can be a great tool in exploration and experimentation. This can enable students to use more problem solving strategies. The idea is to work with one topic from mathematics and help the students to dig deeper in to this topic.
One idea we discussed in Copenhagen was to divide the project in to three parts.
- Create a set of screencasts that helps the students to learn different tools and strategies. We must create some tasks and problems that help them to understand in some way the topic we choose.
- Find a problem that the students can work with. This must be a rich problem with many solutions.
- Find good tools/technologies so that the students can publish their solutions.
Moodle can be such a tool. We can perhaps create two courses in Moodle, one for the students (open for everyone) and one for the teachers (protected). We already have a Moodle site in Norwegian Centre for Mathematics Education that we can use.
We decided that everything we created in this group should be in English.
We need to decide which topic we will limit this study to. Mathematical models, functions, geometry, etc...